Host: Anti-Aging Psychologist Dr. Michael Brickey
Guest: Rich Lukesh
Broadcast and podcast on webtalkradio.net. The podcast is also below.

Whether you are job hunting, fearful of losing your job, wanting a better job, or have a friend or family member who needs a job, now seems like an abysmal time to be job hunting. All the more reason to have the competitive edge with job searching, cover letters, resumes, and interviews. Today, Rich Lukesh author of Secrets of Getting Hired, shares his years of experience as a corporate CEO and HR consultant in what gets people in the door and what gets them hired.
I previously interviewed Dr. Beth Ross, Brad Taft, and Dr. Helen Harkness on career issues and you can click the links to hear those shows. They tended to focus on the big picture of what career to pursue and networking and job hunting. While Rich Lukesh also looks at the big picture, today and in his free e-book he focuses on small to mid-sized employers and zooms down to the nitty gritty mechanics of cover letters, resumes, email addresses, file names, and interviews. He shifts your mindset from being an applicant to being a marketer and salesman.
You can download his free e-book, The Secrets to Getting Hired Now at www.secretstogettinghired.com. Dr. Brickey’s other websites are www.DrBrickey.com and www.Anti-Aging-Speaker.com.