Love and Romance After 50

Anti-Aging Psychologist, Dr. Michael Brickey

Host: Anti-Aging Psychologist Dr. Michael Brickey

Guest: Carol Denker

Broadcast and podcast on The podcast is also below.

Carol Denker

Television shows like to snicker and make fun of grey-haired romance, but journalist Carol Denker found that love and even sex after 50 can be better than ever—and illustrates it with stories and pictures from sixty couples who found love after 50 and found it to be better than ever.If you have ever thought, if I knew then what I know now…., this is about how, whether married or single, you can have that second chance with love and romance grey hair and all.

This is about feeling like a sixteen-year-old in love even if you have a sixty, seventy, or older body. Ms Denker’s book is Autumn Romance: Stories and Portraits of Love After 50.I love the song Young at Heart, you know:

Fairy tales can come true; it can happen to you
If you’re young at heart….
My favorite version has Jimmy Durante singing it as his voice is old and his soul is young. Carol Denker’s stories and photos are like a Frank Capra movie—uplifting and renewing our belief in everyday miracles.

The common thread was a change in attitude and outlook, shedding any slavery to peer pressures, and taking risks. It was interesting that she identified several clusters—including those who chose to pursue a lot of self-growth, those who reconnected with old sweethearts, and those who found someone with whom they had “so much in common.” Just as real life is often stranger than fiction, the stories read like fairy tales. But, as Jimmy Durante sang, fairy tales came come true—if you’re young at heart. Carol’s couples give us a lot of clues as to how to do it and inspiration to believe and seek amorous love at every age.

Carol Denker’s website is The site about her protraits is Dr. Brickey’s other websites are an