Host: Anti-Aging Psychologist Dr. Michael Brickey
Guest: Fredrick Hahn
Broadcast and podcast on The podcast is also below.
Let’s review the conventional thinking that Fredrick Hahn turned upside down. According to Mr. Hahn:
- Forget aerobics and lots of reps, the best way to build muscles is to challenge them to exhaustion.
- There is more benefit to doing exercises in slow motion than there is to fast movements that takes advantage of momentum, and consequently places fewer demands on muscles.
- Most athletic pursuits may actually be harmful but may be worth pursuing for enjoyment.
- Stretching makes joints less stable; strength training improves flexibility anyway.
- Exercise does little to improve the heart or lungs. Rather, exercise makes muscles more efficient in extracting oxygen and nutrients.
- Stronger muscles are more flexible
- The key to weight loss is limiting carbohydrates.
- Cholesterol and saturated fat have been given a bad rap and aren’t necessarily harmful.
- Grains are hard to digest, have little nutritional value, and leach minerals.
- The dietary requirements for carbohydrates, according to a government study, is zero.
Some other points he made included:
- Our muscles atrophy with age unless we use them.
- Muscles are recruited in sequence with fast twitch muscles being the last to be recruited.
- We cannot make new muscles; we can only strengthen the ones we already have.
- Most of weight loss comes from nutrition, not exercise.
- Strength exercise is the best way to build stronger bones.
- Genetics plays a big role in athletic skills and athletic physique. Most people are not capable of having body builder muscles no matter how much they exercise.
- Strength training will not make women look muscular.
- Our bodies are very efficient and require proof its limits are taxed before enhancing muscles.
Is he right? I hope so. Physical fitness and nutrition are a Tower of Babel with many conflicting theories and opinions. What matters most is the results. I’ve started doing the Slow Burn exercises and will give it a two-month trial. I’ll report back later on my experience. As for eschewing carbohydrates, I’m doing some more research. The A to Z study he cited is in the March 2007 issue of the prestigious Journal of the American Medical Association.
Mr. Hahn’s website is Dr. Brickey’s other websites are and