How to Help Your Parents Cope with Aging

Anti-Aging Psychologist, Dr. Michael Brickey

Host: Anti-Aging Psychologist Dr. Michael Brickey

Guest: Jacqueline Marcell

Broadcast and podcast on The podcast is also below.

Jacqueline Marcell

Jacqueline Marcell has learned a lot about caring for parents. She has a fascinating story with lots of lessons and tips. Her marvelous book, Elder Rage reads like Stuart Smalley on steroids. It explains how just when her life was falling apart, her parents’ problems exploded. Elder Rag–with its drama, wit, and humor is a great read. What especially interests me, however, is that in between the compelling stories, she shows how to solve a lot of problems.What’s more, the experience led her to become a passionate advocate for eldercare services, and reform of the often dysfunctional systems that are supposed to help our parents.In the first part of the show we’ll learn about Jacqueline’s experiences with the system and how her sheer determination got her through it. In the second part of the show we’ll focus on practical advice and how to get the best services.

Her website is