Centenarians: 100 Year Old Role Models for Ageless Lifestyles
Host: Anti-Aging Psychologist Dr. Michael Brickey
Guest: Lynn Peters Adler
Broadcast and podcast on webtalkradio.net. The podcast is also below.
Who do you want as a hero—someone who swims six hours a day so he can swim a half second faster than everyone else, someone who is really good at catching a football, or someone who models living a long, healthy, happy life. I think our society is a little nuts with its hero worship of athletes, rock stars, and movie stars. Yes, they can teach us about focus and perseverance, but who can teach us how to live a good life? For that we need role models who have exceptional spiritual depth and deeds. We also need role models for how to navigate the largely unchartered territory of living well into your hundreds.
Read More Centenarians: 100 Year Old Role Models for Ageless Lifestyles