Category: dieting

What More Than 100 Years of Dieting Can Teach Us

Anti-Aging Psychologist, Dr. Michael Brickey

Host: Anti-Aging Psychologist Dr. Michael Brickey

Guest: Susan Yager

Broadcast and podcast on The podcast is also below.

Susan Yager

The story of Peter Pan concluded, “All of this has happened before and will all happen again.” Barrie could have applied the same intro to the more than 100 years of diet insanity in America. Previous diet ideas keep resurfacing like moles in an arcade Whack-a-Mole.

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Why You Haven’t Been Able to Get Fit and Lose Weight

Anti-Aging Psychologist, Dr. Michael Brickey

Host: Anti-Aging Psychologist Dr. Michael Brickey

Guest: Jerzy and Aniela Gregorek

Broadcast and podcast on The podcast is also below.

Jerzy and Aniela Gregorek

We see someone who is obese and tend to think, if only they would reduce their calories and exercise, they wouldn’t be fat. Such simplistic concepts make getting fit and losing weight difficult, almost impossible for most of us.

Read More Why You Haven’t Been Able to Get Fit and Lose Weight

If You’re Fat, It’s Not Your Fault

Anti-Aging Psychologist, Dr. Michael Brickey

Host: Anti-Aging Psychologist Dr. Michael Brickey

Guest: Dr. Barry Sears

Broadcast and podcast on The podcast is also below.

Dr. Barry Sears

I usually cringe when I hear someone say it’s not your fault. But Dr. Barry Sears’ research convinced me that if you are overweight it’s not your fault. The bad news is that most Americans are carrying around a lot of toxic fat-which like cancer can spread and cause havoc to many organs. The good news is that research has found solutions in a very reasonable diet and taking fish oil supplements. Dr. Sears, creator of the Zone Diet, has been researching cancer and diets for decades and just come out with his newest New York Times Best Seller, Toxic Fat. Today you will learn how former Department of Agriculture Secretary Earl Butz helped make millions of people fat and what you can do to undo the damage, lose weight and be healthier. Get ready to have your eyes opened by the researcher that makes more sense and has more data than any diet research or program you have ever heard of.

Read More If You’re Fat, It’s Not Your Fault

Enjoy Food More and Lose Weight

Anti-Aging Psychologist, Dr. Michael Brickey

Host: Anti-Aging Psychologist Dr. Michael Brickey

Guest: Dr. Michelle May

Broadcast and podcast on The podcast is also below.

Dr. Michelle May

Did you ever overeat and then felt bad because you overate and then started beating yourself up or said all is lost and binged some more? There must be a better way. Dr. Michelle May says trash the guilt, trash the rules, enjoy eating, and lose weight as well. Rather than feel trapped, she teaches confident, fearless eating. Dr. May is a Board Certified Family Physician and author of Am I Hungry? What to Do When Diets Don’t Work, and the CD Stop Dieting, Start Living. Back in January Dr. May taught us how to know when we are hungry as opposed to eating for emotional reasons. Today we are going to focus on how to enjoy eating more. In the second part of the show, we will focus on how to enjoy eating and lose weight even when you are on the road, on vacation, or in a fast food restaurant.

Read More Enjoy Food More and Lose Weight

Anti-Aging Medicine: What Works

Anti-Aging Psychologist, Dr. Michael Brickey

Host: Anti-Aging Psychologist Dr. Michael Brickey

Guest: Dr. Nicole Flora, Anti-Aging Physician

Broadcast and podcast on The podcast is also below.

Dr. Nicole Flora, Anti-Aging Physician

>Medicine has focused on treating diseases. What we call healthcare has mostly been disease care. Anti-aging medicine emerged in the last ten years or so to ask what can doctors do to be proactive in preventing aging and diseases. As a new discipline, it has attracted both very dedicated physicians and frankly a few hucksters. Today’s expert is clearly one of the best anti-aging physicians, Dr. Nicole Flora. Dr. Flora was Board Certified in family medicine, obtained a Master’s degree in Public Health, and later specialized in age management and anti-aging medicine. She has been active in research and is on several policy boards. In the first part of the program, we will focus on what anti-aging medicine is and what it has to offer. In the second part of the program, we look at the pros and cons of different anti-aging treatments.

Read More Anti-Aging Medicine: What Works

How to Prevent Diabetes

Anti-Aging Psychologist, Dr. Michael Brickey

Host: Anti-Aging Psychologist Dr. Michael Brickey

Guest: Steve Freed, Pharmacist and Diabetes Educator

Broadcast and podcast on The podcast is also below.

Steve Freed, Pharmacist and Diabetes Educator

One in three Americans has or will develop diabetes—and in the vast majority of cases, it could have been prevented. Today’s guest expert, Steve Freed is a Registered Pharmacist and Diabetes Educator. His Diabetes in Control newsletter reaches 88,000 medical professionals. His Steps to Health program has been used by a quarter of a million diabetics. He has given thousands of seminars on diabetes, produced numerous training materials, and currently is co-producing a full-length documentary, Conquering Sugar Mountain. The first part of today’s seminar will focus on how you and your loved ones can prevent getting diabetes. Part 2 will focus on new treatment options.

Read More How to Prevent Diabetes

Lose Weight Without Dieting

Anti-Aging Psychologist, Dr. Michael Brickey

Host: Anti-Aging Psychologist Dr. Michael Brickey

Guest: Michelle May, MD

Broadcast and podcast on The podcast is also below.

Michelle May, MD

Did you ever overeat and then felt bad because you overate and then started beating yourself up or said all is lost and binged some more? There must be a better way. Dr. Michelle May helps people enjoy their food and lose weight. Rather than feel trapped, teaches fearless eating. Dr. May is a Board Certified Family Physician and author of Am I Hungry? What to Do When Diets Don’t Work, and the CD Stop Dieting, Start Living. Back in February Dr. May taught us how to know when we are hungry as opposed to eating for emotional reasons. Today we are going to focus on how to enjoy eating more. In the second part of the show we will focus on how to eat well and lose weight even when you are on the road, on vacation, or even in a fast food restaurant.

Read More Lose Weight Without Dieting