Ageless Lifestyles® LLC Anti-Aging Psychologist Dr. Michael Brickey interviews leading anti-aging experts on how to live longer, heatlhier, and happier.
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This is a special edition of Ageless Lifestyles® Rather than an interview with an anti-aging expert, I am sharing a eight minute commencement address I gave for Fortis College, a private college for nurses and healthcare workers. So what advice did I give to those future nurses?
Guest: Dr. Matt Narrett, Chief Medical Officer for Erickson Living®
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To me, Erickson Living® is the Google of services for seniors. Its twenty communities are amazing, it’s medical services are the medical services we all wish we had, Erickson’s Retirement Living Television is only national TV network for seniors, the Erickson Tribune has a circulation of three million, and the Erickson School of Aging, Management and Policy at the University of Maryland and the Erickson Foundation conduct and support a lot of research on aging.
Guest: John Rother, AARP’s Director of Legislation and Public Policy
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In our quest to live longer, healthier happier lives, we need to know see the big picture of healthcare and social services and how we can help make them better. The biggest advocate for Boomers and seniors is AARP. With 39 million members, AARP is second only to the Catholic church in membership size in the US. The US army, navy and marines have 1.5 million soldiers and 1.5 million reservists. The AARP army of active volunteers is 4 million strong-an army whose assignments include volunteering to help more than 2 million seniors a year fill out income tax forms. AARP’s army has 4.5 million members often sending emails. AARP the Magazine is the largest circulation magazine in the world. There used to be a commercial “When E.F. Hutton speaks people listen.” EF Hutton is no more. Today we might say when AARP speaks, Washington listens. Our guest is AARP’s Director of Legislation and Public Policy, John Rother.
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You had a CAT scan and blood tests on Friday and you are stuck in the hospital for the weekend, anxiously waiting to hear test results, which will have to wait until your doctor makes rounds on Monday. But wait, Dr. Rounder, a robot cart with a monitor on top wheels into your room. Your doctor, who is at home, looked up the results online and is in a videoconference with you about the results. Welcome to the hospital of the future.
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Imagine a limo picks you up and whisks you to a top hospital with top physicians. You stay in a beautiful suite with superb food and courteous attentive staff. The doctor spends time with you explaining the procedure and gives you his phone number and cell phone number. Sounds like treatment only the super rich get? Not necessarily. Dozens of countries are offering top medical treatments with top notch doctors and plush amenities for a fraction of what it costs in the US.
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Nursing homes used to be largely a one way journey—a place for grandma to go to die. Now a sizeable portion of nursing home patients are there temporarily for recovery from knee replacement surgery, a fall, an auto accident, cancer, or a stroke. It’s often “nursing home hell.” Your roommate complains and complains, moans and groans, and has the TV blaring 24/7. You’re not sure what the “food” is but you are sure you don’t want to eat it. People are popping in your room every fifteen minutes to empty your trash, take your blood pressure, mop the floor, give you ice, give you pills, have you fill out forms. You’re in pain and very tired but can’t sleep. I will be your guide for how to avoid nursing home hell and have a nursing home stay meet your needs and help you get back home soon—whether it is you or a family member or friend you love.
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Second only to the common cold, back pain is the most common reason for sick leave at work. Hardly anyone over fifty hasn’t had at least one serious episode of back pain or neck pain. Chances are you have experienced some serious back or neck pain. We go to our doctors and want instant results. Translation—we want pills. We want a quick fix. But pain killers, muscle relaxers, and steroids are likely to aggravate the problem and give unwanted bonuses of depression, slower healing, and drug dependency. Spine specialist Dr. Mark Brown says if you throw away the pills and walk it off 90% of the time you will recover from the problem and the pain—if fact you are more likely to recover and recover more quickly without the pills. Dr. Brown is an eminent orthopedic spine surgeon, is on the editorial board of four medical journals, and is a professor at the University of Miami. He is an MD and Ph.D., teaches, does research, and has a clinical practice. His new book, Conquer Back and Neck Pain: Walk It Off helps diagnose what kind of pain you have and determine what to do—and not do.
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Many of the most commonly performed medical procedures are ill advised and can do more harm than good. We go to our physicians and expect surgery of pills for our ills. Our physicians feel pressured to try to fulfill our expectations. Financial incentives provide little compensation for patient education but often richly reward performing procedures. Patients and physicians often don’t fully appreciate the statistics behind using evidence based medicine for choosing the best course of treatment. Or guest today is physician and physicist Dr. Alan Zelicoff, author of the brand new book, More Harm Than Good. If you or any family members are at risk for cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, back pain or arthritis, you’ll want to be sure to listen and learn about how to avoid overtreatment and get the most effective treatment.
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What you don’t know about healthcare can hurt you, even kill you. What if you knew how to get your doctor to focus on your goals, get the information you need from your doctor, and enjoy the process as well? What if you knew a little karate for getting specialists, hospitals, and nursing homes to do what they are supposed to do and share information with you? Would you like to know how to comprehend all those EOBs, bills, and statements? How about not paying $2 for an aspirin at a hospital? Would you like to know how to organize your medical records so you have the information when you need it and can even give it to your doctor?
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John Erickson is a visionary who decided to reinvent aging and retirement. He turned an abandoned college campus in Maryland into a vibrant retirement community. Now Erickson has 20 communities serving 22,000 residents. The monthly Erickson Tribune newspaper prints 3 million copies each issue and of course is online as well. Unhappy with what television offers seniors Mr. Erickson invested $100 million dollars in developing a television network for seniors, Retirement Living TV. Today he shares his unique vision of a better life for seniors.