Category: seniors

Life Lessons from Literature

Anti-Aging Psychologist, Dr. Michael Brickey

Host: Anti-Aging Psychologist Dr. Michael Brickey

Guest: Dr. Joe Sperry

Broadcast and podcast on The podcast is also below.

Dr. Joe Sperry

Can novels teach you how to live well as you age? Most literature focuses on characters under fifty. Older characters are usually portrayed negatively. I challenged bibliophile and former English literature professor Dr. Joe Sperry to find novels that have positive elderly role models or help us learn how to age well. The challenge proved to be difficult but Dr. Sperry identified six novels that are rich in life lessons for aging well. Dr. Sperry’s Top Recommendations were:

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AARP’s 2009 Legislative Plans for Healthcare and Seniors

Anti-Aging Psychologist, Dr. Michael Brickey

Host: Anti-Aging Psychologist Dr. Michael Brickey

Guest: John Rother, AARP’s Director of Legislation and Public Policy

Broadcast and podcast on The podcast is also below.

John Rother, AARP's Director of Legislation and Public Policy

In our quest to live longer, healthier happier lives, we need to know see the big picture of healthcare and social services and how we can help make them better. The biggest advocate for Boomers and seniors is AARP. With 39 million members, AARP is second only to the Catholic church in membership size in the US. The US army, navy and marines have 1.5 million soldiers and 1.5 million reservists. The AARP army of active volunteers is 4 million strong-an army whose assignments include volunteering to help more than 2 million seniors a year fill out income tax forms. AARP’s army has 4.5 million members often sending emails. AARP the Magazine is the largest circulation magazine in the world. There used to be a commercial “When E.F. Hutton speaks people listen.” EF Hutton is no more. Today we might say when AARP speaks, Washington listens. Our guest is AARP’s Director of Legislation and Public Policy, John Rother.

Read More AARP’s 2009 Legislative Plans for Healthcare and Seniors

Online Dating for Boomers and Seniors

Anti-Aging Psychologist, Dr. Michael Brickey

Host: Anti-Aging Psychologist Dr. Michael Brickey

Guest: Dr. Jim Houran

Broadcast and podcast on The podcast is also below.

Dr. Jim Houran

It’s not just young people and the 23½ million single Baby Boomers using online dating, more than five million people over 55 have used online dating as well. Instead of dating being largely limited to coworkers, people in common organizations, bars, and introductions from friends and family, online dating casts a huge net that greatly enhances your ability to find exactly the kind of person you are looking for. Online dating psychologist Dr. Jim Houran helps us learn how to meet Mr. or Ms Right and reduce the chances of getting burned-or even flamed.

Read More Online Dating for Boomers and Seniors

Centenarians: 100 Year Old Role Models for Ageless Lifestyles

Anti-Aging Psychologist, Dr. Michael Brickey

Host: Anti-Aging Psychologist Dr. Michael Brickey

Guest: Lynn Peters Adler

Broadcast and podcast on The podcast is also below.

Lynn Peters Adler

Who do you want as a hero—someone who swims six hours a day so he can swim a half second faster than everyone else, someone who is really good at catching a football, or someone who models living a long, healthy, happy life. I think our society is a little nuts with its hero worship of athletes, rock stars, and movie stars. Yes, they can teach us about focus and perseverance, but who can teach us how to live a good life? For that we need role models who have exceptional spiritual depth and deeds. We also need role models for how to navigate the largely unchartered territory of living well into your hundreds.

Read More Centenarians: 100 Year Old Role Models for Ageless Lifestyles

The Facts of Life About Aging

Anti-Aging Psychologist, Dr. Michael Brickey

Host: Anti-Aging Psychologist Dr. Michael Brickey

Guest: Lynette Padwa

Broadcast and podcast on The podcast is also below.

Lynette Padwa

There are lots of textbooks and manuals on aging but they are usually boring and rarely address nitty-gritty questions about aging. Lynette Padwa, author ofQuick, Answer Me Before I Forget The Question, researched the facts of life on aging. She gives practical advice and does it with a great sense of humor. The show has fun looking at the facts of life about aging—and answers some questions you didn’t even know to ask.

Read More The Facts of Life About Aging

A Visionary Redefines Aging and Retirement

Anti-Aging Psychologist, Dr. Michael Brickey

Host: Anti-Aging Psychologist Dr. Michael Brickey

Guest: John Erickson

Broadcast and podcast on The podcast is also below.

John Erickson

John Erickson is a visionary who decided to reinvent aging and retirement. He turned an abandoned college campus in Maryland into a vibrant retirement community. Now Erickson has 20 communities serving 22,000 residents. The monthly Erickson Tribune newspaper prints 3 million copies each issue and of course is online as well. Unhappy with what television offers seniors Mr. Erickson invested $100 million dollars in developing a television network for seniors, Retirement Living TV. Today he shares his unique vision of a better life for seniors.

Read More A Visionary Redefines Aging and Retirement

Boomers and Seniors Can Find True Love

Anti-Aging Psychologist, Dr. Michael Brickey

Host: Anti-Aging Psychologist Dr. Michael Brickey

Guest: Mary Rose Maguire

Broadcast and podcast on The podcast is also below.

Mary Rose Maguire

Perhaps you are one of about 40 million Americans singles over forty. Perhaps you would like to find true love but do not know where to start, or have given up all together. Or maybe you have a friend or relative who asks you for advice on how to meet someone. Maybe your situation is comical — like author Robert Morris, whose book Assisted Loving describes how his 80 year old father asked him to help him find a mate, and even double date with him—which is even more bizarre as Mr. Morris says he is gay. Our guest today, Mary Rose Maguire coaches women and men over 40 in finding true love. Today she shares her strategies and secrets.

Read More Boomers and Seniors Can Find True Love

New Career Strategies for Boomers and Seniors

Anti-Aging Psychologist, Dr. Michael Brickey

Host: Anti-Aging Psychologist Dr. Michael Brickey

Guest: Career Management Consultant Brad Taft

Broadcast and podcast on The podcast is also below.

Career Management Consultant Brad Taft

When Social Security started, retirement age was 65 and life expectancy was 62. If you were lucky enough to beat the odds, you could eek out a few years of leisure before dying. Things have certainly changed. If you retire at 65, what would you do with the decades you are likely to live? Would you have enough income? What are employers going to do when millions of Boomers retire and create a brain drain and worker shortage? What can you do to better plan your career or retirement? Career Management Consultant Brad Taft will help us develop new career strategies for today’s world. He is the author of BOOM OR BUST: New Career Strategies in a New America. In the first part of the show, we will focus on how the job market has changed. In the second part of the show, we will focus on practical things you can do to navigate the job market rapids.

Read More New Career Strategies for Boomers and Seniors

How Art Can Help You Age Better

Anti-Aging Psychologist, Dr. Michael Brickey

Host: Anti-Aging Psychologist Dr. Michael Brickey

Guest: Amy Gorman

Broadcast and podcast on The podcast is also below.

Amy Gorman

Art keeps us young by lifting our spirits, challenging our minds, and giving us perspective. Today’s guest, Amy Gorman became fascinated with artists in their nineties and hundreds. That inspired her to profile twelve artists in her book, Aging Artfully and the documentary film about the artists titled Still Kicking. She is a sculptress, an historian, and a storyteller. Her career has spanned all age groups from developing and being Executive Director of Kidshows for eighteen years to being a medical social worker with dementia patients. In the first part of the show, we’ll learn about artists she has studied. In the second part of the show, we’ll focus on how you can pursue art to help keep you youthful and fulfilled.

Read More How Art Can Help You Age Better

How to Help Your Parents Cope with Aging

Anti-Aging Psychologist, Dr. Michael Brickey

Host: Anti-Aging Psychologist Dr. Michael Brickey

Guest: Jacqueline Marcell

Broadcast and podcast on The podcast is also below.

Jacqueline Marcell

Jacqueline Marcell has learned a lot about caring for parents. She has a fascinating story with lots of lessons and tips. Her marvelous book, Elder Rage reads like Stuart Smalley on steroids. It explains how just when her life was falling apart, her parents’ problems exploded. Elder Rag–with its drama, wit, and humor is a great read. What especially interests me, however, is that in between the compelling stories, she shows how to solve a lot of problems.What’s more, the experience led her to become a passionate advocate for eldercare services, and reform of the often dysfunctional systems that are supposed to help our parents.In the first part of the show we’ll learn about Jacqueline’s experiences with the system and how her sheer determination got her through it. In the second part of the show we’ll focus on practical advice and how to get the best services.

Read More How to Help Your Parents Cope with Aging