Category: art

A Painter and Sculptor’s Perspectives on Aging

Anti-Aging Psychologist, Dr. Michael Brickey

Host: Anti-Aging Psychologist Dr. Michael Brickey

Guests: Painter Alice Matzkin and Sculptor Richard Matzkin

Broadcast and podcast on The podcast is also on the links below

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lice and Richard Matzkin

So much of Americans’ views of aging are negative. For example, in the movie Harold and Maude, the priest tells Harold:

“I would be remiss in my duty if I did not tell you that the idea of intercourse – the act of your firm, young body… comingling with… withered flesh… sagging breasts… and flabby b-b-buttocks… makes me want… to vomit.”

Read More A Painter and Sculptor’s Perspectives on Aging

How Art Can Help You Age Better

Anti-Aging Psychologist, Dr. Michael Brickey

Host: Anti-Aging Psychologist Dr. Michael Brickey

Guest: Amy Gorman

Broadcast and podcast on The podcast is also on the links below

(to download, right click download and select “save target as.”)

Amy Gorman

Art keeps us young by lifting our spirits, challenging our minds, and giving us perspective. Today’s guest, Amy Gorman became fascinated with artists in their nineties and hundreds. That inspired her to profile twelve artists in her book, Aging Artfully and the documentary film about the artists titled Still Kicking. She is a sculptress, an historian, and a storyteller. Her career has spanned all age groups from developing and being Executive Director of Kidshows for eighteen years to being a medical social worker with dementia patients. In the first part of the show, we’ll learn about artists she has studied. In the second part of the show, we’ll focus on how you can pursue art to help keep you youthful and fulfilled.

Read More How Art Can Help You Age Better